We Offer in-Person, Video, or Phone Interpretation, Police and Court Interpretation, and App Translation services

About GCP Language Translation & Interpretation

GCP offers outstanding translation and interpreting services at the most affordable prices. We provide a comprehensive range of services for translation and interpretation into all major languages, including App translation and interpretation over the phone, via video call, or in-person. We offer our services to a wide range of sectors, with tailored solutions for the manufacturing, legal, and life science fields'

Interpretation Services

Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation Services

GCP offers both simultaneous and consecutive interpretation services. In consecutive interpretation, the linguist listens while the speaker speaks. After a brief delay, the interpreter speaks the interpreted words or sentences. Both in-person and remote sequential interpreting services are provided by GCP. For smaller groups of people, consecutive interpreters are available in person, through video, or over the phone.

In contrast to consecutive interpretation, which involves an extensive pause in the flow of conversation, simultaneous interpretation involves the linguist interpreting while the speaker is speaking. A simultaneous interpreter frequently works in a soundproof booth, where they may interpret in real time while the audience wears headphones.

Every sort of interpretation demands a linguist with advanced knowledge and expertise. GCP employs interpreters in every state who are skilled in either simultaneous or consecutive interpretation, or both.

Police Interpreting

Our police interpretation service at GCP guarantees that non-Swahili speakers who are detained or interrogated in a police station are not hampered by a language barrier.

Meaning of Police Interpretation

It's clear that most people understand what is being said when the police speak with suspects, victims, witnesses, and experts. Finding out fresh information from the subject is the goal of a police interview. The ability of the investigator to communicate with the subject and understand their responses is crucial to the procedure's effectiveness. An interpreter must be present to correctly interpret and communicate the information given if the interviewee cannot speak the same language as the investigator.

Our interpreters at GCP have undergone testing and training specifically designed to help them deal with police practices and procedures like arrest, detention, and statement-taking. They are knowledgeable and possess up-to-date terminologies and glossaries used in civil as well as criminal cases. Even in difficult situations, their complete neutrality ensures that their messages are delivered with accuracy, composure, and coherence.

Court Interpreting

The language barrier shouldn't ever stand in the way of justice for those who don't speak Swahili. Our qualified interpreters assist people in understanding proceedings and providing testimony in court when they are not fluent in the language.

Meaning of Court Interpretation

Court interpreters provide assistance to persons who are unable to communicate in a court's official language by translating what is said to them and communicating to the judge any testimony they provide as a witness, a victim, or an accused person. Without it, persons who are present in court would be unable to comprehend what is going on or accurately provide testimony, which might gravely jeopardize the fairness of a trial.

Linguists must have a prior understanding of the terminology and language used in litigation, court hearings, depositions, and criminal investigations because translation and interpretation services for courts can frequently be highly difficult. GCP employs only linguists with expertise and training in court interpreting.

The two basic approaches to interpreting courtroom testimony are simultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretation. Simultaneous interpretation is when the court interpreter listens to the speaker and begins to interpret what they are saying while they’re still completing their sentences. In contrast, consecutive interpretation starts after a speaker is completed, so court interpreters who use this approach usually take notes to make sure they don't miss anything.

Translation Services

App Translation Services

GCP offers App translation services to ensure that your app reaches a potential international audience. Our team of professionals can provide a thorough App translation service to best meet the needs of your business, covering everything from in-app content to listings within the iOS and Android app stores.

Our app translation service can help bring your app to the global market and reach international audiences by translating in-app text into any number of languages.

Many apps suffer from poor translation because they use free online services that are based on algorithms and thus are unable to completely comprehend the language's complexity. Working with a reputable translation company like GCP, you can be confident that all app translations will fit your tone of voice and take into account any design adjustments required for a local audience. We'll also make sure that the coding that forms the basis of your product is unaffected by our app translation services.

GCP also has the ability to persuasively translate app descriptions for stores across all major operating systems, which will capture the interest of potential users all around the world.