We Serve Researchers from all over the World in Research, Data Collection, Ethics Approvals, Research Permits, Language Translation, In-Country Transport Support, and Accommodation

About GCP Research & Consultancy

GCP Research & Consultancy is a wing of Global Collaboration Partners Ltd., based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It is a world-class multi-disciplinary company providing services in different aspects of research design, survey programming, data collection and management, data processing & analysis, biostatistics, meta-analysis, epidemiology, monitoring and evaluation, statistical analysis, market research, dissertation consulting, journal article assistance, defense preparation, dissertation editing services, lab hours, transcriptions, technical reports, and grant writing services.

We support both foreign and local researchers conducting human or non-human research to obtain ethics approvals and research permits for doing research in Tanzania. On the side of human subject research, the company supports researchers in preparing the required documents for local IRBs, identifying local PIs, and obtaining research clearance permits from COSTECH, the region, district, and ward/villages. Also, the company has been assisting foreign researchers to obtain an affordable and conducive lodge for their stay. Affordable transport that they can use during their research activities. Supporting the foreign researchers in obtaining food and meeting all nutritional needs in the field. Arranging insurance coverage for all aspects of the project and assisting in language translation to enable them to engage easily with the local people during their research activities.

Among the sectors we deal with are public health, biodiversity, education, agriculture, livestock, fisheries, nutrition and food security, water, sanitation and hygiene, youth and livelihood, urbanization, climate and migration, commerce, and finance. Our clients include, but are not limited to, researchers, public and private institutions, businesses, health institutions, NGOs, individuals, and students. We also provide training in a variety of areas, including, but not limited to, research design, custom database and survey programming, survey development, sampling design, data management and exploration, online data collection, univariate and multivariate statistical analyses, writing for publication, report writing, and writing for grant proposals.

What We Do

Support for Ethics Approvals and Research Permits

GCP assists foreign researchers in applying and securing local ethics approvals, including getting local IRBs, recruiting local principal investigators, and acquiring research clearance permits from COSTECH, regional, district, and in the specific study location. Conducting research, particularly human subject research, requires local ethics approvals and local research permits. Ethics approval is conducted through checking the survey instrument and protocols and is usually performed in order to assess the extent of protection given to participants as well as determine the risks and benefits of the research. On the other hand, local research permits are obtained after assessing research questions, the design of the study, potential impacts, and publication plans.

In Tanzania, all researchers engaging in human subjects’ research in both social and biomedical sciences must submit an application to their own institution's IRB or, if their university does not have one, to another university's IRB. Social scientists do not need any approval beyond this to begin their research in Tanzania. Once biomedical research has been approved by their respective university IRB, the researcher must also submit it to the NIMR’s Medical Research Coordinating Committee in Tanzania for further approval. Once a researcher has IRB approval, they must apply for a research permit from COSTECH. This is required for people doing any type of research in Tanzania, even if it does not involve human subjects.

Obtaining and Preparing Required Documents for local IRB

When conducting human subject (biomedical) research in Tanzania, a researcher must have IRB approval from their own institution as well as from the national health research ethics committee (NatHREC) of the national institute for medical research (NIMR) in Tanzania. In this regard, GCP will help you with all the application processes for the local IRB, including preparing all necessary documents, reformatting the project proposal in the required format, translating the study tools into the local language (Swahili), finding a local PI to partner with, and securing support letters from the respective authorities.

Identification of Local PI & Obtaining Support Letters

Given that a commitment or support letter from a local PI is one of the requirements for a foreign researcher to obtain local IRB approval by the NatHREC, GCP will assist you in identifying the most appropriate local PI and following up on the letter of support.

Obtaining Research Clearance Permit from COSTECH

All foreign researchers must obtain a research permit from the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) in order to take part in research in Tanzania, regardless of whether they are conducting human subject research or not. With regard to this GCP, we will assist you with all the application processes for obtaining the research permit.

Obtaining Research Clearance from the Region, District, and Ward/Village

It is also required to get approval for your research from the region, district, and ward/village for each area in which you plan to do research. GCP will assist you with all the processes for obtaining permission to conduct research from the respective regional and district authorities.

In-Country Transport and Accommodation Logistics Support for Foreign Researchers

GCP has been assisting foreign researchers who are conducting their research in Tanzania to obtain an affordable and conducive lodge for their stay. Affordable transport that they can use during their research activities. Also, our company supports the researchers in obtaining food and meeting all nutritional needs in the field.

A sample of the services we provide:

• Budgeting the cost of fieldwork components;

• Determining and negotiating the best value for travel, transportation, and lodging:

• Making arrangements to accommodate all food and nutritional needs in the field:

• Arranging insurance coverage for all aspects of the project:

• Language translation services.

Biostatistics, Meta-analysis, and Epidemiology

We at GCP Research & Consultancy are aware that because of the significant impact and broad implications for medical research and public health, we shall ensure you utilize the appropriate statistical tests and predictive techniques when we analyze your clinical research, disease or disorder incidence, and meta-analytic data. We combine this knowledge with our in-depth comprehension of the methodological standards of the literature in the fields of medicine, clinical research, epidemiology, and public health research. Our statistical consulting team has backgrounds and training in epidemiology, public health, and life sciences.

Due to our expertise in biostatistics, we are able to use your clinical data to not only perform any standard analyses and plots but also to advise you when your data exhibit peculiarities that may call for additional analyses, post-estimation diagnostics, or even alternative methods.

GCP offers a tailored biostatistics and epidemiological consulting and analysis service to our clients, including hospitals, public organizations, university and research institutions, commercial businesses, and individual researchers. Our biostatistics and epidemiology team offers consultations and expertise on a range of pertinent topics throughout the research and clinical trial processes, including effective data safety monitoring.

Monitoring and Evaluation Systems

Our team of experts employs incredibly innovative approaches, including but not limited to human-centered design (HCD), theory of change (ToC), participatory action research (PAR), projective technique, consensus group technique, participatory ethnographic evaluation and research (PEER), when carrying out project monitoring and evaluation activities. Our consultant team will also support you in developing project and evaluation plans, which include choosing key project monitoring indicators and preparing tools for collecting relevant data. The incredibly innovative approaches to program monitoring and evaluation will help identify program components that are effective. It will also help to identify ineffective program components so that immediate measures can be taken for program improvement. Our evaluations will enable us to determine whether the project delivered the expected outcomes.

Moreover, you can also make use of our thorough online M&E (monitoring and evaluation) system, which we created and completely integrated with mobile applications. The team in the field uses the mobile apps to collect data and upload it to the server. In accordance with your project log-frame, the server generates automated reports and datasets. Manage all of your projects in a single, user-friendly system that gives you quick access to all project data for decision-making and donor reporting. Our M&E system is incredibly effective and simple to use.

Through the online M&E system, our clients will be able to get:

• Customized Dashboard;

• Access to results, pictures, and audio recordings through your mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer;

• View overall project progress in real-time with charts and tables;

• Project log-frame with automated results including objectives, outcomes, outputs, activities, milestones indicators, and targets for each level;

• Integration of your baseline data into the log frame;

• Download or export your report in MS Word;

• Get your datasets in Stata, SPSS, MS Excel, CSV, SAS, and R;

• Unlimited number of users;

• Manage multiple projects in the same interface;

• View GIS Map showing your project areas View a GIS map showing your project areas.

Market Research

Our analysts at GCP Research & Consultancy use cutting-edge analytical methods from applied economics, computer science, and research psychology to assist you in gaining a thorough insight of your market both now and in the future. The team at GCP uses its extensive experience in data and content approaches to deploy strategies that are tailored to your particular concerns about the target market, clients, or market in the present and future.

Our Process in assisting you in Market Research:

Initial Consultation

Our support frequently starts with a preliminary and complimentary advisory session, during which we review the proposed market research design approach. However, if you don't know how to effectively understand your current and future market or target audience, we start with a market research needs assessment and feasibility review so that together, we can decide what approach is best for your company or agency.

Market Research and Design

GCP’s considerable experience in quasi-experimental marketing research design and survey, focus group, and interview instrument design will ensure that your marketing research delivers accurate, usable results. We will help you specify your variables and determine whether a Likert scale, categorical options, or another question format are ideal for your purposes. Our experts will also help you select questions so as to eliminate bias from your survey responses. Our team can also help you determine whether a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed survey is most appropriate for your market research goals.


GCP has considerable competence in conducting employee surveys. For the best understanding of the desired outcomes from the survey at the client firm, we make site visits, perform focus group interviews, and work in collaboration with staff.

Analysis and Interpretation

Our staff has extensive experience in interpreting statistical results relating to market research, such as Shapley values, TURF, and Thurstone scaling. For projects requiring more complex analyses, we can provide numerical techniques, Monte Carlo simulations, psychometric techniques (like confirmatory factor analysis or structural equation modeling, etc.), and sophisticated machine learning algorithms (like neural networks, random forests, gradient-boosted models, support vector machines, etc.). The most important thing is that our analysts will use your data to produce useful insights for your company. MaxDiff analysis, hierarchical Bayesian modeling, logistic regression, or extended linear modeling are all methods we can use to estimate the utility functions of your clients. Our team has experience working with a variety of analytical software packages, including LISREL, AMOS, and EQS for structural equation modeling and SPSS, SAS, STATA, and R for statistical analysis.

Research Design

For those who find it difficult to develop research designs, GCP Research & Consultancy will assist you through the process. Our consultants are ready and able to work with you to design both quantitative and qualitative research studies. Effective research design is essential to addressing your research questions accurately. Our statistical consultants are skilled in a variety of research designs, including experimental designs, quasi-experimental designs, descriptive or observational designs, cross-sectional designs, cohort or longitudinal designs, case studies, focus groups, in-depth interviews, and more. Effective research design services also depend on accurate sampling plans, survey design or measurements, data collection, and planned statistical analyses. We are equipped to meet your needs in all of these areas to ensure that your project is a success.

Also, our consultants can help you accurately identify your research project’s assumptions, limitations, and delimitations. Assumptions and limitations of your research project depend upon a variety of factors, including proposed statistical analyses, sample size, and survey design, whereas your delimitations are largely determined by your research questions, hypotheses, and theoretical framework. Statistical models also require assumptions to be met. The statisticians at GCP Research & Consultancy have expert knowledge of identifying and testing these assumptions to ensure the validity of your analyses.

In addition, some clients, particularly in the corporate sector, are choosing to implement survey research using online platforms. We are very familiar with the leading online survey tools, including SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, Google Forms, and Zoomerang. If you plan to use any of these tools, we can help you input the survey into the tool for you so that you’re able to make optimal use of its data collection capabilities, as well as download and collate the data outputs once survey collection is complete. If you’re unsure of which survey tool to use, we can discuss your specific needs and goals, suggest which platform would best suit your study, and then manage the data collection process.

Survey Programming

We provide our clients with quality online mobile data collection services through the development and deployment of mobile phone-based surveys. We have vast experience in deploying mobile data collection tools, including but not limited to Open Data Kit (ODK), CSPro for Android, Survey CTO, Survey To Go, and Kobo Collect.

Data Collection and Management

GCP provides top-notch services for gathering data utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The firm continuously develops and enhances tools and technologies to provide standard and custom data collection solutions based on our clients’ objectives. We combine online and mobile survey technologies in innovative ways to provide timely, accurate, reliable, and cost-effective data collection and management services. Through our skilled and thorough supervision of data collectors, we constantly work to provide our clients with high-quality data.

We also provide our clients with access to our online database for all quantitative surveys so they can see the study data as it is being gathered in real time. They can also do preliminary analysis and download data at any moment. The latter also enables our clients to keep an eye on the quality of the data while it is being gathered. On the side of qualitative data collection, we always make sure that the first few transcripts of interviews reach our clients within three days so they can provide comments on the interviews' quality.

Data Processing & Analysis

Our data processing team has expertise in the data entry, cleaning, and analysis of quantitative data materials. Similarly, our data processing team has extensive knowledge of the transcription and translation of qualitative data. On the other hand, our consultants are well-equipped with statistical tools to meet your statistical needs for quantitative research. Among the statistical tools that our data processing team employs during data processing and analysis are, but are not limited to, Stata, SPSS, SAS, R, Minitab, JMP, Python, Excel, SQL, MATLAB, SYSTAT, LISREL, MPlus, EQS, Smart PLS, WarpPLS, and EViews.

For qualitative data analysis, our consultants have enough knowledge and skills to use NVivo, ATLAS.ti, MAXQDA, and Dedoose, among others. However, our qualitative research team can definitely employ other qualitative software depending on the client's requirements. In addition to presenting you with accurate results through our data analysis services, our experts at GCP Research & Consultancy will work hard to ensure that you understand the analytic methods used to produce your results.

Dissertation/Thesis Consulting

GCP Research & Consultancy will help you at every stage of your thesis to ensure you have an engaging study that's prepared for approval and publication.

Under dissertation/thesis consulting, our Consultants will assist you in:

Background to the Problem

Under this section, we will assist you in providing some background information about the problem and describing the problem you have identified, the purpose of the study, the research questions you want to address through the collection of data, and the overall study design.

Literature Review

The literature review is essential to the success of your thesis since it will confirm that there is a research gap that has to be filled by your study. Additionally, the theoretical or conceptual framework for your approach will be described in this part. Under this section, our consulting team will definitely use their extensive knowledge to assist you in choosing the ideal theory or theories to serve as the foundation for your research.

Research Methodology

We can assist you in developing and explaining your research design in great detail, including the reasons why a quantitative or qualitative research approach is suitable for investigating your specific research questions or hypotheses. We will make sure that your research methodology has all pertinent information regarding your data gathering tools, as well as an explanation and justification of your participant sampling strategy, suggested data collection methods, specific statistical tests, and/or qualitative analysis process. We will also present all ethical considerations as well as the validity and reliability of your data.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application Support

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) procedure might be challenging for many candidates doing research. This is due to the fact that ethical issues for research, especially doctoral research, can be fairly complex, especially when articulating a high level of care and attention to ensure that the participants themselves will not be hurt by the research's objectives and procedures.

The primary objective of the IRB and its approval is, in many respects, to safeguard individuals from any possible harm. Our consultation team will make sure that your IRB application is correctly filled out and contains all the information required to guarantee the security, privacy, and confidentiality of your participants. We may also help you with your qualitative or quantitative methodology in your dissertation to create clear guidelines for you so that, should something come up during the gathering of your data, you can react appropriately and in the most ethical way possible. Apart from assisting you with the IRB application, we can also help you create informed consent forms that are specific to your data collection methods and any other supplemental materials in order to get approval and start your research.

Our comprehensive support to develop your IRB application often begins with a full methodological review. We review your topic, the purpose of your study, and your current plans regarding how to conduct the research. We then work with you to hone your research design, specify your research questions and hypotheses, if needed, review your instrumentation, discuss validity and reliability, and select the most appropriate analytic method.

For clients who have an approved proposal and need dissertation help with the IRB application only, we complete the same review of your methodology and then move right into ensuring your study will meet the rigorous standards of your university’s IRB. We discuss with you your access and timeline for data collection, your plans for confidentiality and minimal risk, and any specific requirements from your university before beginning the drafting process for your IRB application and supplementary materials.

We provide dissertation help, including IRB assistance, for qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods studies across nearly every field. Our staff is comprised of specialists with PhDs in their respective fields. GCP Research & Consultancy’s comprehensive dissertation consulting services ensure your research methods and IRB application will be approved so you can complete data collection as soon as you might like!

Data Analysis and Results

Before carrying out qualitative or quantitative data analysis, we will first import and clean your data. We have enough knowledge of statistical analysis (including path analysis and SEM), as well as in-depth qualitative analysis protocols. As a part of our thorough assistance with drafting your results, we will include tables and figures in order to provide concise visual illustrations of each of your important findings. And finally, we will give you all the files produced by the data analysis software.

Discussion and Conclusion

In accordance with the findings presented in the results section, we can assist you in creating an in-depth discussion and conclusions. This section will include a critical analysis of your findings to highlight their importance for implementation and further studies on your topic, as well as a discussion of how the findings relate to more general research in the field. Essentially, the discussion of the larger context of your research will be organized in this section based on the results. This section will also discuss limitations that were discovered during your research and offer suggestions for further study.

Final Thesis Editing (MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, and more)

In order to make your work smart, we may assist you in editing your thesis using any important editing standard, including APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and Turabian. Our thorough assessment of your work or thesis's grammar, sentence structure, overall formatting (as per your chosen editing standard and your university's criteria), references, citations, preliminary material, and appendices will guarantee that it is ready for submission.

Journal Article Assistance

GCP Research & Consultancy provides assistance to researchers or individuals who need to publish their work in a peer-reviewed journal. Publication is frequently a difficult task because published papers must adhere to the highest standards of scientific rigor and represent original research in the field. Our Consultants can assist you with shaping your dissertation into an actual manuscript for submission.

The processes we used to review your manuscript include:

Identifying journal aims

Once you have identified a journal in which you will publish your paper, we normally start by understanding the journal's submission criteria, which will provide us with a guide for our work to develop your manuscript. This would mean framing your dissertation research so that it directly aligns with the journal's objectives and then using your dissertation as a source for constructing each necessary section of the publication.

Revising for specific journal criteria

Journal submission requirements vary considerably; therefore, it's crucial to check that your manuscript complies with them.

Emphasizing current and relevant references

we will help you identify the current references that match the sources cited in the manuscript.

Defense Preparation

One of the services GCP Research & Consultancy offers to dissertation candidates is advice on how to prepare for the dissertation defense. We are aware that some students may lack statistical understanding or feel intimidated by complex mathematical terminology. We genuinely want you to comprehend the findings and statistical terminology of your particular study endeavor. As a result, we provide personalized dissertation defense advice to each of our clients.

In order to assist you with your dissertation defense, the statistician assigned to your project will:

• Create a list of potential general statistical questions for your defense meeting, ranging from basic statistics questions to complex statistical formulas;

• Create a collection of specific questions that are suited to the precise statistical problems and outcomes of your project;

• Assist and direct you in providing responses to your suggested statistical questions.

Dissertation Editing Services

We are delighted to offer our thorough editing service to researchers who want to submit a polished final draft for initial review. This comprehensive help includes sentence-level editing, formatting to a style like APA, and a reference audit.

Sentence-level editing

Spelling, typos, and punctuation are among the usual proofreading issues that are addressed during sentence-level editing. Additionally, final-stage dissertations frequently need polishing to ensure perfect grammar and sentence structure, as well as to build a scholarly tone, generate a beautiful content flow, and more. This sentence-level editing guarantees that your work presents smoothly and elegantly, satisfying all standards for scientific writing.

In addition to sentence-level editing, our dissertation editors will address:

• Anthropomorphism;

• Capitalization;

• Comma use;

• Contractions;

• Consistency of style;

• Effect vs affect;   

• First-person elimination;

• identifying overly-subjective tone;

• Over-quotation;

• Parallelism;

• Passive voice;

• Removing relative time reference;

• Flow; • Redundancy;

• Punctuation;

• Series commas;

• Subject-verb agreement;

• Scholarly precision and tone.

Formatting to Style such as APA

In addition to this sentence-level editing, our editors will make sure that all of your university's formatting criteria are met throughout, including formatting to APA 7 style, which is actually the style that is most frequently used.

The range of formatting assistance includes everything from a basic review of the text in accordance with APA 7 style (or whichever style you must adhere to for your dissertation editing) to specific university or publication requirements to ensure all rules are followed, including the work sequence, headings, margins, pagination, and automated Table of Contents.

In addition to being professionals in APA editing, GCP dissertation editors are also proficient in a number of other widely used citation formats, including MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and Turabian. We take great satisfaction in our ability to operate within any university's guidelines and with any style. Before starting to edit your work, our editors take the time to learn how to correctly carry out the specific editing required.

Reference Audits

The reference audit is among the services that our consultants offer to our clients. Our consultants will review both your full reference list and your in-text citations to make sure that all sources cited within the text are included in the references (and vice versa) and that all necessary source information is provided.

We provide the following as a part of our reference audit service:

• Identify any missing references;

• Fixing incorrect spelling or a disordered list of authors' names or years;

• Searching for and correcting missing volume, issue, or publisher information;

• Discovering the DOI or URL that is missing;

• Finding missing information for online sources and book chapters;

• Create a new bibliography from scratch based on your written work.

Lab Hours

GCP Research & Consultancy offers in-office lab hours at our office. Our lab hours are designed to give you a calm, pleasant space to work on your project and immediate access to statisticians or other subject matter experts who can assist you with any issues or queries you might have about your project. We encourage you to visit our office for lab hours so that you may accomplish your project early. The GCP Research & Consultancy Lab Office is well equipped with computers with various statistical software that is installed for your use. You are free to bring your own laptop as well.

Among the services we offer during lab hours are:

Online Survey Software

Do you need to post a survey to an online survey software tool, such as PsychData or Survey Monkey? Let our experts show you how to use online survey software more efficiently to streamline your survey process.


Table-making can be a very time-consuming process, but we can provide you with expert table-making lessons and templates to help you make the types of tables you need for your project.

Statistical Lab Hours

Statistical lab hours include designated time for help with statistics.

Grammar, spelling, punctuation

The English language has several rules unknown to many who have been fluent their whole lives. Our experts offer specific training on any specific topic of technical writing.

Citations and References

As a member of the research community, you doubtless spend much time citing your information and creating a reference list. Our tutorials help our clients learn to create in-text citations and create reference listings in the format of any modern citation style (APA, Chicago, MLA, AMA, MLA, Turabian, IEEE, ASA, and ACS).


In addition to a strong data collection strategy that promotes data saturation, reliable data transcription is also necessary before you can conduct an impactful qualitative analysis. In reality, a crucial step in ensuring the reliability of your qualitative findings is the verbatim transcription of focus groups and interviews, which is advised by numerous experts in qualitative methodology.

Although recording and transcription technologies are advancing, they are still susceptible to mistakes that could compromise the accuracy of your qualitative data and lower the standard of your findings. Talk-to-text software is one of the most common types of error because the software may misidentify words as a result of muddled or unclear speech, enunciation discrepancies, background noise, homophones, or numerous speakers at once.

Given the current state of transcription technologies, only the human ear can accurately interpret spoken communication in all of its varied forms (such as figures of speech, slang, incorrectly uttered words, sighs, and laughter). As a result, manual transcription is still preferred, but it is incredibly time-consuming, taking around 6 hours to complete for every hour of audio.

At GCP, we take pride in being able to provide our clients with high-quality manual transcription services with a quick turnaround that fits any schedule (transcription normally takes 72 hours, even for the largest qualitative datasets). Our experts can capture every detail of your interviews. This includes focus group discussions, open-ended questionnaires, and structured, semi-structured, and unstructured interviews that you can employ as data sources.

On the other hand, we have vast experience with a variety of qualitative analyses. Once your data collection and transcription are finished, we can help with your interpretative phenomenological analysis, thematic analysis, content analysis, or other types of qualitative analysis. Our consultants have enough experience using qualitative analysis software, including but not limited to NVivo, MAXQDA, Dedoose, and Atlas.ti.

Technical Reports

The consultants at GCP Research & Consultancy are available to help you with research report preparation. Along with research report preparation, our technical editors provide superb editing and proofreading. Our consultants have extensive expertise in producing a variety of reports, and they will provide precise records that adhere to your needs and requirements.

Grant Writing Services

GCP Research & Consultancy offers grant services to those who wish to secure funds from donors. A great grant proposal begins with a strong idea and a specific strategy, regardless of whether it is research- or program-based, small or large, foundation- or federal agency-based. Through engaging with our clients at each stage of the pre-award process, our consultants enable them to gain a lot from our broad expertise. Through our grants services, a number of clients across the nonprofit, industry, and academic spectrums have successfully secured funds from their respective donors.

We provide grant-writing services in the following fields:

• Research grants;

• Program development grants;

• Arts and Humanities grants;

• Publication grants;

• Seed money research grants;

• Conference/seminar grants.

Note: Please keep in mind that working with any company that provides grant-writing services, including GCP Research & Consultancy, does not ensure that your proposal will be granted. Despite this, you are still required to cover the cost of grant writing services, and if the grant is not awarded, then half of the pre-proposal costs of your services will be refunded to you.

Training & Workshops

To fulfill your needs, GCP Research & Consultancy provides both regular training and workshop packages to our clients. Our workshops often cover research and statistics related topics. Workshops held on-site are designed for 5 to 10 participants. Additionally, we can hold any size workshop at your site. Please get in touch with us if you'd like to host a course for a larger group or if you have questions about a workshop.

Below are a few of the topics we offer:

Excel Training

There are three Excel classes available, each lasting 2.5 hours.

Covers the following topics:

• Performing calculations and advanced formulas;

• Sorting and conditional formatting;

• Streamlining and enhancing spreadsheets with templates, charts, graphics, and table making; and

• Learning how to create and edit a macro.

SPSS Training

These workshops are helpful for people with a wide variety of statistical skills. The workshop will be helpful for people who want to learn the basics of SPSS as well as those who want to master more complex concepts like syntax and factor analysis. Workshops cover the software as well as the proper understanding and application of statistics.

4 classes, each lasting 2.5 hours, with materials given.

Covers the following topics:

• The basics of setting up a data file;

• Coding and recoding variables;

• Computing and sorting variables; and

• Running descriptive statistics.

4 classes, each lasting 2.5 with materials given.

Covers the following topics:

• t-tests;


• Correlation; and

• Cross tabulations.

4 classes, each lasting 2.5 hours with materials given.

Covers the following topics:

• Regression analyses;

• Factor analyses; and

• Using syntax to create, run, and save analyses.

Data Management and Exploration

This workshop focuses on researchers who work with data files collected either by hand or electronically. The workshop’s aims are to educate participants on the logic, steps, and challenges that researchers need to address in managing, cleaning, and studying their data.

The training covers the following topics:

• Data management;

• The steps for exploring and cleaning data;

• Managing data in Excel and SPSS;

• Determining outliers in the data and what to do about them; and

• Demonstrations of the steps for checking assumptions using SPSS.